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Precious Videos Series ‒ A Chronicle of Propagating the Dharma Overseas

——The Pig Year Grand Puja & Paying His Holiness Birthday Well-Wishes in Ladakh in 2019

Since His Eminence Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche started to propagate the Dharma in 1997, Rinpoche has been continuously bestowing disciples the opportunities to follow him on pilgrimages to sacred places, and helping them to accumulate their good fortune and resources for practicing Buddhism.

On July 30, 2019, Rinpoche, not shrinking from hardship, joyfully led 200 disciples to Phyang Monastery in Ladakh, India, to participate in the pujas presided over by His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang and paid him Birthday Well-Wishes.

At every puja in the past few days, His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Chungtsang was attended to by Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche as His Holiness ascended the Dharma throne. Not only Rinpoche’s seat was arranged at the position closest to His Holiness, but also his reverence and meticulous care toward His Holiness was a model for disciples.

Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche has spent many years nonstop propagating the Dharma and benefiting all sentient beings worldwide, forming countless good connections with many of them. Everywhere he goes, a large number of people can be seen eagerly waiting, welcoming, and imploring for his blessings. Rinpoche compassionately fulfills their wishes, bestowing blessings one by one, and sowing the seeds of liberation from birth and death for them. His compassion is incomparably immense and his merits are infinite.

Precious Videos Series ‒ A Chronicle of Propagating the Dharma Overseas
► May 17, 2019 – A Chronicle of Promoting the Dharma at the Renowned Thousand-Year-Old Onsenji Temple in Kinosakicho, Japan


Updated on November 17, 2021