尊貴的 仁欽多吉仁波切於2018年6月5日在匈牙利和平佛塔(Peace Stupa Hungary)主法殊勝的不動明王火供,和平佛塔官方網站首頁隨即以顯著版面刊登 仁波切弘法的最新消息,並載明了 仁波切當日的開示、天候瑞相及與會者恭敬歡喜之心。
以下為佛塔官網刊登的 仁欽多吉仁波切火供法會消息之中文翻譯(原文為匈牙利文):
在尊勝的 直貢澈贊法王應允下,尊貴的 仁欽多吉仁波切抵達匈牙利於和平佛塔主法殊勝的火供法會。仁波切是獲得直貢噶舉傳承認證的傳法上師,尤其精修於金剛乘火供。
跟隨 仁波切同行的臺灣弟子們也一同協助籌備火供法會,並導引我們順暢圓滿的參加法會。
法會結束時,尊貴的 仁欽多吉仁波切開示,這些天氣現象代表著大福報,因為表示所有三界的眾生都接收到我們的供養。仁波切說他很高興能來這裡,並指示我們要常常造訪此殊勝之地,因為法會不僅加持了這塊土地,也遍及全國。
以下為佛塔官網刊登的 仁欽多吉仁波切火供法會消息之英文翻譯(原文為匈牙利文):
His Eminence Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche arrived to Hungary on the personal request of His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang for performing the amazing ritual of the Fire Puja at the Peace Stupa. He is an acknowledged Dharma teacher of the Drikung Kagyü lineage, who is particularly expert on performing the Fire Puja according to the Vajrayana instructions.
Our Taiwanese Dharma brothers and sisters (who traveled together with HE) was helping to arrange the ritual and instructed us to join the puja in the right way.
The Fire Puja is an extraordinarily powerful and effective purification ritual of the Vajrayana. During the ritual all of our negative karmas, mental tendencies, blocking energies (obstacles) and sickness were burned by the guidance of the Vajra Master. By burning all those defilements they transform to wisdom and the accumulated merits are offered for the benefit of all sentient beings and for peace.
All of the participants could feel and experience the powerful force field of this occasion. The participants became the part of the living, flowing mandala circumambulating around the Stupa. The Stupa and the Fire Place was the center of that mandala.
Even the weather has joined to the ritual. First, it was sunny, then we got a warm, nice rain, and then as the ritual was going further we got rainstorm and hail, and finally it became sunny again.
The most persistent ones continued circuiting in the Mandala and kept the fire alive even in the biggest storm.
HE Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche said at the end of the ritual that those skyey signs indicate great fortune because they show that all the Three Realms could receive our offerings. He was happy to be here and asked all of us to visit often this special place that was strongly blessed by the ritual and this blessing will spread all over our country.
He kindly asked the participants to talk to others about the Peace Stupa of Zalaszántó and the Dharma teachers of the Drikung Kagyü lineage that more and more people could get here and receive the teachings and blessed activity of Drupon Konchok Lhundup and Drupon Konchok Jigmet.
更新日期:2018 年 6 月 20 日